Every Addict Has a Mother

Where did I go wrong?

What could I have done differently?

Learn to transcend adversity with clarity and purpose through the experience of a mother's transformational journey from tragedy to living intentionally.

A tragic story that triggered my transformation began on September 19, 2010. A very intimate and graphic illustration of my daughter Tiffany's addiction begins here.


My transformational journey arose from the ashes of personal tragedy and failure to live a life of clarity and intention.  I hope you never have a story like mine to compel you to change. Implement changes in your life proactively, not reactively. Make a vow to implement needed change starting right now-it will be the best decision you ever made. Keep in mind that as you embark on your new adventure, resistance and opposition will greet you with open arms. There will be struggles following your transformation and breakthrough, but following the six step transformational process will lay the foundation of clarity and intention to thrive in spite of chaos. Life is a balancing act between success and failure, happiness and sadness, balanced and unbalanced living. May the balance tip in your favor.