Living Intentionally: Step Two-What is Not Working?

One trait unsuccessful people have in common is they have plenty of excuses for failure. Reasons for failure include air-tight alibis to excuse a lack of success. Some of the excuses include the following:

 If only I had a good education

 If only I had a better job

 If only I made more money

 If only I were younger

 If only I had more time

What are your excuses? If only ____________________

Sadly, the "if onlys" are only excuses. People strongly defend excuses because they created them. Creating excuses is not only a common trait among low achievers, it is a deeply rooted habit.

What did not work in the past will not work in the future. When you make the pivotal decision to change your life, you will need all of the resources at your disposal. The road to change is hard and will take longer than predicted. Beware when the journey seems to be hardest, you will be tempted to fall back into old habits of excuses and blame. Remind yourself that defense mechanisms did not work in the past and will not work in the future. Knowing the signs indicating you have fallen back into default mode (defense mechanisms) will help prompt you to activate some of your resources (strength, courage, and patience). In order to begin your life of looking forward, you have to put to rest the worries of who caused your adversity or who is to blame for not fixing your adversity. You will need all the reserves of precious power and momentum for your personal breakthrough.